The Challenge

At events, it can often be difficult for customers to differentiate between products and brands and to find their way through the multitude of offers. Trade fairs and similar events offer a flood of new information and products. This makes it difficult to make a choice. In this environment, companies find it difficult to present their products in a way that emphasises their special features and sets them apart from the competition. However, with a clear and convincing presentation, companies can successfully showcase their products and attract the attention of customers. A Siemens Healthineers hologram proved many times to be a fitting solution for this.

Many customers want to emphasise certain products or solutions at trade fairs in order to trigger visitors’ interest in their unique features. In addition, companies should rely not only on traditional means such as brochures and images, but also on unusual technologies to present their products in the best possible way. This allows them to keep up with current marketing trends and stand out from the competition.

Companies use innovative technologies such as holograms to present their products in an appealing and interactive way. This attracts the interest of visitors and leaves a lasting impression. A good example of this is Siemens Healthineers, for whom we developed a hologram exhibit for RSNA 2023 to draw customers to the stand and initiate the experience at the stand.

The Solution

For RSNA 2023, we have produced a video to introduce the SOMATOM go. scanner family and briefly present these products as a hologram The video shows a platform of SOMATOM go. scanners, whose benefits are illustrated by a unique visual language from Siemens Healthineers. Furthermore, special functions such as moodlights or a system for controlling patient breathing are also shown. The video is both explanatory and attention-grabbing. It contains fast, dynamic animations and visual effects. The focus of the video is equally on the advantages of the platform and the models of the systems themselves. The models serve as eye-catchers at the stand and as conversation starters during the product presentation, as the technology is rarely seen and worth marvelling at.

What Makes It Special

The hologram video produced is characterised by dynamic movements. These intensify the feeling of spatial depth and captivate the viewer. Moreover, the content switches regularly between messages, the presentation of SOMATOM go. systems, 3D avatars and special visual effects. This gives the viewer a first impression of the SOMATOM go. system. Before the customer starts a conversation at the stand, they can find out about the platform and its most important features. Thus, the hologram is a perfect combination of unusual, eye-catching technology that attracts customers to the stand. In addition, it is a medium with informative and representative value. 

A major advantage of the hologram video is that it can later be modified for other videos, e.g. to be shown on a large LED wall. Finally, there is also great potential to utilise the existing 3D models of the systems in the long term. It is possible using them in the future for the development of applications such as augmented reality or virtual reality.

Project highlights: References of our hologram magic

From products and messages to attractive visual effects – discover our hologram portfolio and get inspired for your own hologram!