Logistic City: interactive experience of a wide range of products


End customer: Rhenus SE & Co. KG
Event: Transport and Logistic 2017
Location: Munich
Time period: 2017

  • For eyes that shine: Your show, Your event, Your fair!
  • Miniworld
  • Interactive trade fair

Contact person

Philipp Breilmann


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The Project

Our concept suggestion for Logistic City was part of the Wenger Wittmann overall Transport and Logistic 2017 concept for Rhenus. The company’s four cornerstones were clearly explained in four animated stories, creating a real visitor magnet at the edge of the stand. Interested visitors could then experience the company’s product range in an interactive way thanks to Logistic City.

What’s so special about it?

  • Real-time rendered city with a stylized low poly look
  • Gamified communication of complex topics
  • Abstraction at visual and content level in close consultation with the client
  • Good satisfaction and use despite short production time and limited budget
  • Integrated client material at the end of each story to link to existing marketing